Navigating With Load

This section details how you can use the load method on the router instance or load attribute to navigate to other parts of your application.

Router Instance

To use the load method, you have to first inject the router into your component. This can be done easily by using the IRouter decorator on your component constructor method. The following code will add a property to your component called router which we can reference.

import { IRouter } from 'aurelia';

export class MyComponent implements IRouteableComponent {
    constructor(@IRouter private router: IRouter) {


The load method can accept a simple string value allowing you to navigate to another component without needing to supply any configuration options.

import { IRouter } from 'aurelia';

export class MyComponent implements IRouteableComponent {
    constructor(@IRouter private router: IRouter) {


    viewProducts() {

In this example, we are navigating to a component called product and passing a parameter value of 12 which is the product ID we will check for from within the product component.

import { IRouter } from 'aurelia';

export class MyComponent implements IRouteableComponent {
    constructor(@IRouter private router: IRouter) {


    viewProduct() {

Configuration Options: Passing Parameters

The load method can accept an object which contains the component we want to render (either the instance or the string name` as well as an object called parameters.

import { IRouter } from 'aurelia';

export class MyComponent implements IRouteableComponent {
    constructor(@IRouter private router: IRouter) {


    viewProduct() {
        this.router.load({ component: Product, parameters: { id: '12' } });

Configuration Options: Specifying The Viewport

In instances where you have more than one viewport in your application, you can specify the viewport on the load configuration object. In this example, we are specifying we want to render our product component inside of the viewport named main.

import { IRouter } from 'aurelia';

export class MyComponent implements IRouteableComponent {
    constructor(@IRouter private router: IRouter) {


    viewProduct() {
        this.router.load({ component: 'product', parameters: { id: '12' }, viewport: 'main' });

HTML load Attribute

The router also allows you to decorate links and buttons in your application using a load attribute which works the same way as the router instance load method.

Last updated

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